Tracking your Pregnancy

You just found out your pregnant and you are ecstatic to begin this new chapter in your life!  Whether you got pregnant on the first try or it took a few years this is truly a magical time.

There are probably so many items on your to do list, try not to get overwhelmed but enjoy the next 9 months.  Sometimes our day to day life is too hectic to really sit back and realize that you have a miracle growing inside you and that time is fleeting.

In between all the doctor appointments, shower registries and preparing for your new arrival here are a few ideas to not only track your pregnancy but to record the next 9 months of your journey with your little one.

While doing each of these may be too demanding on your schedule, if you can fit in one or two you will appreciate it as those little miracles grow up.

Weekly/ Monthly Pictures of Baby Bump

Create a calendar invite for each week, mine was set for Sunday.  Take a few pictures each week to watch your belly grow.

Short Videos of Mommy and Daddy to Baby

Make short videos (1-2 minutes) after doctor appointments or anytime for your baby as time allows.  We plan to string these together and share with our daughter when she is old enough.

Baby Board

Highlights can include the baby’s developments this week or even just what you did with your baby bump the past week.  You can do this weekly or monthly.  Bed Bath and Beyond sells a good board to use for this, Pearhead Pregnancy Chalkboard.

Pregnancy Journal

You can create your own, or buy one in store or online.  They help keep track of how you felt physically and emotionally during your pregnancy, as well as Doctor appointments, ultrasounds and your baby’s first movements.  You can really add any additional details you want as well.  I used The Belly Book.

Pregnancy Book

Every first time mother wants to know what she should be doing, eating, activities that should be stopped and so much more.  Your Doctor will probably provide you with packets or a booklet with some general guidelines, but it is also great to buy a book to read alongside that.  I have enjoyed reading “What to expect when you are expecting.” It discusses developments that happen every week, answers to common questions, what to expect during each month of pregnancy, food safety and much more.

Pregnancy App

I used Ovia Pregnancy, which was great!  I first used the Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker while we were trying to conceive, which was very helpful.  Once we became pregnant I added this app to my phone.  It gives daily updates on baby’s developments, includes relevant articles and videos, tracks progress through pregnancy, has a food safety lookup feature which is so convenient and perhaps my favorite part of the app.  It is especially helpful when you are out at a restaurant.  There is a lookup feature for medication safety, as well as symptoms you may be having (to make sure they are normal).  The app has many other great features too, so be sure to check it out.

Wishing you the best over the next 9 months!

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